Nice try, John but not convincing. Entertaining piece? Yes. An indisputable airing of fact, as is implied, even suggested? No.
I do agree that, in all probability, life exists elsewhere within the universe of universes. However, have we discovered evidence of it as yet? On the basis of what I've read, seen or heard, no.
Regardless of whether you are right or not, I must admit that it is not something that preoccupies me. While I admire the intellect, ingenuity & ability of those involved in space exploration, I would rather their talents and the funding that facilitates their use, be put to resolving problems on this planet, such as poverty, starvation, disease, dictatorship, slavery, armed conflict, sexual trafficking and the rest ....
But then, I'm now 75 and altogether sad and despondent about the state of humanity and its failure to progress in the affective domain, despite making huge leaps in the technological/scientific one.