No it is not true, as a generalisation. It may be true of some individuals.
Generalisations such as this do nothing to improve understanding between men and women.
The fact is that we are different but each, predominantly driven by instinct (biology) and by conditioning.
Only when we end the prudity and nonsense regarding the teaching of children about humanity, relationships, sexuality and emotion, will this adverse and adversarial view of male - female relationship and attitudes end.
Yes the sexes see and feel sexuality and sexual intimacy in differing ways but unless we are taught, shown, comfortable in discussing these topics with others of the opposite sex, we will continue to get it 'wrong', whether male or female.
Men are driven to procreate, as are women to have babies. How we go about this is the issue and it is one for open dialogue, understanding of one another's needs and use of our intellect and humanity to rise above the pure drive of other animals not so endowed with the opportunity to choose how to go about it.