Of course, it's just my opinion and I'm a no-one. It probably isn't one but if I have any claim to fame it's only that I chose to use Apple computers when the company still called itself 'Apple Computer' and when there with a plithora of competitors and even dos had many versions.
I no longer have my Apple II but I do still have my Mac SE and it is still fully functional and capable of producing this comment.
However, albeit that I'm 75, I'm not conserative nor an anachronism. I have an iPad, a Macbook Pro and a Mac Mini.
I have to say that the Mac Mini, in my opinion, is the most under-rated and under-appreciated consumer orientated computer ever - even by Apple or Mac aficionados. I guess this is for the reasons you suggest. I don't know.
I have to admit that the lack of screen, keyboard and mouse was a disincentive for me, for a long time.
I'm glad I came to my sense. I've been happy with so many versions of Apple computers (and even a few alternative brands) but never as happy as I've been with the Mac Mini.
Thanks for your post. This computer deserves more recognition.