Of course. That is, yes, women would 'lead' not rule differently, as a generalisation.
There are many exceptions, however. Indiri Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Gold Meir being just a few.
However, overall, I think women are more caring, less inclined to initiate or indulge in physical violence, e.g. war. More concerned with the welfare of their children and thoughtful about providing a sound and peacefully productive & rewarding future for their children.
Women feel, in my view, in a way that men do not. That is not to say that me don't feel and often very deeply but they do so differently and the results of that feeling tend to be aggressive rather than philosophical.
The sad thing, again in my view, about today and the increasing role of women in positions of influence and authority, is that too often they gain or act in those positions by imitating the models that men have provided.
I would welcome more women in leadership roles. However, I admire the differences that women bring, including their femininity. I don't enjoy seeing that lost for the sake of progress.
If women have to turn into pseudo men to gain entrance to the influential, controlling and powerful roles in society, then we have gained nothing but lost what ought to be and could be the most powerful influence on bringing about beneficial and equitable change to humanity and the World it currently abuses.