Oh you are so full of pontification, it's a wonder that your body is still able to carry your head.
Yet again you make a presumption that is nothing more than your own warped opinion. The reality is that I am not in the habit of being 'rude', however as I said, in your case it was appropriate for your piece was unadultered misinformation, misrepresentation and even outright lies.
You also miss the point of anything I've written regarding the Israel v Palestinian conflict.
I have written often and in many places that I do not condone *any* criminal acts and abuses of humanity, including having specifically pointed out that I believe those Hamas fighters who committed crimes on 7 October 2023 should, indeed, be held to account.
However, the reality is that any crimes the Hamas fighters committed have been far exceeded by those of the IDF under the warmonger Netanyahu, whose people don't even want him.
I notice that you don't and cannot refute any point I made in relation to your misinformation and deliberately warped diatribe in apology for the Israeli crimes.
I can't stop you sending money to the IDF any more than I can stop the US or other nations from perpetuating the myth that Israel is acting in 'self defense' and the over 8000 innocent children and over 21000 adults who the indiscriminate or disdainful targeted bombing and shelling of domestic buildings, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure has caused.
If you had an intelligent mind and used it and if you had any backbone and humanity at all, you would condemn what Israel is doing, regardless of your nationality, faith, religious belief or anything else.
There is no excuse for what Netanyahu has ordered and the IDF are executing.
Those who support it, such as yourself, are complicit in genocide, a crime against humanity.
You are a shame to yourself, your religion and your god.