Peter, I'm sure that your article is well motivated and, from my reading of your articles, you are clearly a caring person. However, there is a major problem with this article. That problem is its acceptance and base assumption that failure exists. It doesn't.
"Failure" is as false as is "success." Theses concepts are delusions created by human beings and serve only to separate demean or elevate human beings according to measures of relativity that are arbitrary and rarely, if ever, even related in any accurate or objective manner to whatever it is that they are supposed to indicate.
Statements such as:
"You can spend your time wallowing in what was and what difficulties await you or take control and action to head towards success. The choice is certainly in your hands."
are trite platitudes with no substance to support them. They do not assist anyone's well-being.
The reality is that human beings are complex creatures with strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences and each living within a unique context and subject to all manner of influences, including genetics, sex, social status, geography, ideology, physical and mental make-up and etc.
Yes, individuals are able to control some thoughts, behaviours, experiences, choices and such but not all and never with any certainty about the result for the extent of our control is extremely limited and, in any case, lies within the context of many others also making choices, some of which will very likely have an effect on our own or the results of our own.
That one can quote examples of individuals who have achieved particular outcomes that seem unlikely or surprising in relation to their background, earlier experiences or whatever, however it is a logical falsity to consider that evidence of someone having overcome obstacles, 'taken control' or turned 'failure' into 'success'. It demonstrates no more than that notions of 'failure' and 'success' are spurious concepts that have no basis in the reality of life and the reality that human beings are capable of achieving almost anything but personal aim, ambition, work, desire or whatever, whilst having an effect, will provide only a minimal part of whatever they do or become.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️