Please excuse me that I don't understand how being a lesbian saves you from grief, though if it does so then I'm glad for you.
Why does the topic of male abuse of women '"require more discussion"'? - I can, of course, only speak for myself & as a male whom I hope is worthy of being seen as a man.
My answer is that abuse of women remains so prevalent in our society. In Australia, where I am,1 in 6 women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner, while for men it is 1 in 16.
Intimate partner homicide accounts for 21% of all homicide and 1 woman each week is murdered by a partner or former partner.
1 in 4 women have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner since the age of 15. · 1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence
The World Health Organisation report that Worldwide, almost one third (27%) of women aged 15-49 years who have been in a relationship report that they have been subjected to some form of physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner.
This violence is preventable.
However, that it continues, in spite of the abundant reporting across virtually all, if not all media formats, of such destructive behaviours and its consequences, it continues.
You may consider that this is evidence that continued airing of the issue is of little value or even, (as you seem to be suggesting), just adding to the agony, so to speak.
I would agree that there is certainly too much sensationalist and even ignorant or very biased reporting of this issue. It is, of course, an emotive one and often couched in terms that denigrate a particular sex or gender. That doesn't help, I think.
However, I do believe that the issue needs to continue to be discussed but in an informed, rational, objective & sensitive way. Unfortunately, there is now even scientific evidence that society is becoming 'dumber' - not that any reasonably intelligent & aware person needed confirmation of that fact.
Institutions are still predominantly controlled by males or continue the embedded male attitudes of past times when male control went virtually unchallenged.
That is not to say that only females suffer sexual and other forms of abuse but rarely, if ever, to the same extent for the concept and general acceptance of male dominance as a norm, continues in most societies, if not all. Religious dogma , particularly, virtually ensures this.
So, yes, I think that this issue does need to be kept front and centre. It has enormous implications for our world and for humanity. It reflects a continuing inequality and treatment as 'chattels' of half the human race and it exacerbates difference between sexes that, effectively, reduces understanding and contributes to increasing the likelihood of conflict and even war.
I would also add what, to me, is a particular pertinent factor. That factor is that most males, in my view, are ill-informed and have a poor understanding of females, biological, mental & social differences and needs.
Males need to better informed. Females need to help us become aware and more responsive and we need to become more proactive in examining our own concepts and misconcepts about what is appropriate behaviour towards one another and towards females, both within and outside of intimate relationships.
I apologise if I have misunderstood your comment. However, I a mere male, after all.