Resonates so well. I am actually foolish enough to have thought that the immature and puerile 'Apple bad, all else good' community of all-knowing, holier than thou, you don't know 'cos youse don't believe in Bill Gates and anyway, real programmers use real systems not that rubbish for people who don't really know about computers and just want to get things done, so I bet you're one of those, eh? - Well, see, I can open up my box real easy and over-clock it and put in all sorts of bits and pieces for networking and playing sounds and getting better graphics and stuff and I can buy them real cheap because I can get them from anywhere and swap things around as I please - I even have water cooling on my machine - so let me see you do that with your twee looking Apple Mac which cost you almost as much as my swiss army knife box once i'd added all those extras and I got to buy my own software instead of having to use all those applications that Apple included - obviously they're no good, like their OS, otherwise they'd be charging me lots more for them - so, see, you dunnnow what you're on about. F-off and leave this space to the real programmers who know how to put things in and pull them out and spend lots of time doing it ...
Seems that I was very wrong or perhaps the infantile will always be among us for it seems a fact of life that some of the species just never mature.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️