Reuben Salsa, I'm not normally given to rudeness but you deserve it. Please take your antisemitism checklist: "Fourteen signs (that) you are a pro-palestinian Jew hater" and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
If you're not already, you deserve a job on mainstream media for you are clearly well skilled at misinformation, skewed presentation of facts to favour one side, hypocrisy, blatantly false statements and arrogance. You would do well on Fox News, for instance.
Simply because you make a list of what you consider to define an 'antisemitic 'arsehole' does not make it true, even leaving aside that 'anus's don't have views on anything, except perhaps the inside of underwear or toilet bowls.
Genocide is precisely what Israel is committing in Gaza, as any reputable dictionary will confirm or even the appropriate UN Convention which states in part: "a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part." - i.e. precisely what Israel is doing right now.
The claim of Jews to the land on which the state of Israel is situated is not at all 'overwhelming'. Indeed, even a superficial examination of that area of the World shows that it has seen countless changes in occupation, control and religious dominance.
Palestinians held that land for around 400 years before they were betrayed by the British after helping them defeat the Ottomans and subsequently dispossessed by Zionists when Britain partitioned the land to create the state of Israel. At that time some 3/4 million Palestinians were dispossessed and Israel, ever since, has encouraged its population to settle beyond the borders of the original partition.
Who Jesus was has no relevance to your claims. Neither does your question about attitudes to non-binary gender or equity and equality.
Israel has practised occupation, illegal settlement, outrageously restrictive conditions and control of what Palestinians could import or export, to the extent that they have barely been able to live, let alone enjoy the normal freedoms of even most autocracies and dictatorships, let alone democracies.
If, indeed, this list was produced by an Ashley Church from a Linkedin post, then he or she is most definitely not brilliant.
Then you end with : "Read more facts about the Israel-Gaza conflict." - More facts - No one can do that until you first present some.
Rarely have I read such utter and misrepresentative tripe.