Sensitive piece that certainly resonates with me & my own experiences.
I've wrestled with the concept of "Forgiveness" for many, many years. I've come to a conclusion, (much maligned &/or misunderstood by others), that forgiveness is not the positive, almost noble, character trait such as it has been painted by the religious & others.
I now see 'forgiveness', as a hypocritical tool of division created & promoted to contribute to the notion of what constitutes a 'good' person from a 'bad' one.
However, my view is that unless there is first a judgment & appointment of blame, then forgiveness cannot exist.
My view is therefore that understanding and acceptane of who and what people are is what constitutes a positive approach to being human. A decsion not to judge but to understand will, I believe have much more beneficial results & help us to accept difference & seek positive ways to help others towards sel-belief & the confidence to grow into a 'better' person.
[I don't mean this as a criticism but I have the feeling that when you wrote 'bought of pneumonia' you actually meant 'bout' of pneumonia.]