Thank you for publishing this here, Felix.
I am not sufficiently well informed to necessarily be able to recognise the many versions of 'truth' that are given of people of note such as Navalny. I am, however, aware of the fact that we are subject to much insidious conditioning in order that we are predisposed to support the statements and actions of our 'leaders', i.e. those in control.
So, it interests me to read an article such as this which gives an insight I've seen nowhere else. Of course, as are so many, in an age of information overload, I am unable to take in more than a minute amount of what is available and I have neither the time nor the skills to continually search for what is often hidden by being in full view.
Accordingly, I really appreciate your posting an article such as this and providing at least some additional information and perspective on a figure that is readily sold to us as an admirable activist for freedom, including its implications of welcoming difference and caring for the disadvantaged or oppressed.
I much appreciate your contributions.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️