Thank you for that, Harry. I hadn't considered it, perhaps because I've been anti-materialist for my whole life.
My writing has been for the mind exercise it gives me and the hope that it might offer some insight or expression that is useful to others.
Though, as I now live on a 'below the poverty line' pension, I have to admit that I have joined the Medium payment partnership or whatever it is called and welcome the few dollars it brings in, though I still feel uncomfortable about doing it.
At the same time, it does irk me that there are those I follow and to whom I subscribe with the 'free' option, not because I don't value them but simply because I'm unable to afford a paid option. It can be extremely frustrating to really appreciate the work of someone and yet be unable to read it.
Sorry - on my soapbox again - I appreciate your advice and will try to remember and use it.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️