Thank you for the kind words and the kindness and caring that shows through your writing.
I understand, only too well, that my comments are often lengthy and my thoughts perhaps too serious or questioning for many.
I value your work and will not go further in this discussion right now for I don't wish to be seen as someone unwilling to consider other views or to consider my own as the only 'right' ones. I don't, although I am often accused of such. So, I'll make this my last comment as I sense, (perhaps erroneously) some discomfort on your part.
That 'true essence of unconditionality' to which you refer, is in my view: empathy, and essentially, sums up what took me many words to say.
Unfortunately or otherwise, as depends one's outlook, I tend to take words, particular labels, very seriously and for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here. I'll just go away now but with a will that we can continue to discuss and contribute to one another's growth through friendly interchange of thoughts and ideas.
I apologise if it feels or seems, in any way, that I have done other than that.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️