Thank you for this article.
The science explained here is fascinating and I have neither reason nor appropriate knowledge & understanding to doubt it.
However, the very title of the article assumes that a 'God' exists. Therefore, my simple minds says, isn't that the first question that must be answered for, if there is no God then the question posited by the title of the article is redundant.
No doubt, religious readers of the article will respond with all manner of rebuttal, none of which are likely to have any validity and all of which will fail because of their assumption that a 'God' exists when, in fact, in the whole universe of human knowledge so far, there has not been one shred of evidence for such an entity. Indeed, what we do know and with each addition to our knowledge what becomes ever clearer is that the very notion of the existence of a 'God' is nothing more than wishful thinking or conditioning.