Thank you for this piece. You are so right & I applaud you for writing this.
What these pundits don't seem to understand (amongst many other things) is that the disputes between naton states and 'sovereign' entities is almost never about the people.
The flag waving, divisive rhetoric and even hate mongering is predominantly fostered by governments, i.e. the people who hold the power and usually, in one way or another, feather their own nests, rather than those of the populace.
Certainly, there are simple minds that will fall for the insular and nationalistic conditioning that breeds distrust, misguided beliefs and animosity. Yes, they will jump on the bandwagon - sometimes in large numbers and almost beyond reasonable comprehension, as in the case of Trumpism but the fact remains that the majority of the people, wherever they live in this world of ours, simply want to live peaceful, satisfying and safe lives.
I have lived in Australia for over 50 years but still see myself as a Yorkshire-man, a Tyke. I detest the current Australian government and much of what it does and has done to this nation. Does that make me less of a citizen or in someway demeaning of Australia? There are those who may think that such is the case. It is not. I have contributed to this country through work, raising a family here and being active in promoting tolerance, acceptance, diversity, inclusivity and the lifting of our First Nations people from their parlous situation.
I commend Eileen Gu for following her inner self and honouring her mother. She lives in what is supposed to be the epitome of a free society yet according to some mediocre minded commenters is wrong when she exercises her freedom.
I know very clearly who it is that I consider to be the most valuable citizen in this instance.