Thank you for your courteous reply.
However, I can see nothing in what you have said to suggests that your perspective offers anything particularly different from the usual content of ubiquitous Christian proselytising.
I have not read the Bible in other than English but have read the full King James version from cover to cover and, informally, 'studied' religions for most of my life, probably about 60 years given that I am now 76.
My observation is that religions almost invariably do the opposite of what they preach and prey, (no pun intended) on the impressionable, ignorant, vulnerable and gullible.
I don't say that they have never achieved any positives for humanity nor that all who are entrapped by them are somehow, 'bad' or 'false' or have dubious motivation or any other less than reasonable traits. Unfortunately, the harm that religion does and that it has always done, far outweighs what positives may have come from it.
I do agree with you that "the world could do with a few more dissenting voices from within the Christian tradition." Indeed it could do with many more dissenting voices to the continued reverence and undue status given to all religions, for they all, to some degree, act as an excuse and a sanctuary for perfidy, privilege, inequity, baseless laws, division and conflict. ☮️