Thank you for your detail of the situation and your prediction for the future. It has given me some mind relief.
What is beyond my comprehension - and yes, I'm probably either too naive or too idealist - is why war continues to be seen by some as a means of 'gain' and does so even when it is clear that it is unwinnable. (In fact, it seems to me that no war can really be won.)
Putin in Russia, Netanyahu in Israel - each could stop the conflicts immediately, yet they continue to kill not only their perceived enemies but their own citizens, both military and civilian. In addition, they reduce their status and credibility in the World and, essentially, become pariah states.
If this is, as it seems, either simple narcissistic self-aggrandisement and ego on the part of these individuals and a group of supporters who see personal gain in sycophancy or action based on historical glory or vulnerable borders, then why do their populations not stop it?
I have to believe it because I'm almost 80 and have witnessed, (mostly from afar, save for a term on active service in the Middle East), so much conflict which has had no rational basis and only resulted in destruction, death, pain, suffering, dispossession and poverty - so I know that it is real but yet it still seems incomprehensible to me that humanity hasn't learned that such behaviour benefits no-one, unless it is for a brief period.
I mean, none of us has a life of longer than around 100 yrs and most much less than that. - So why this craziness, insanity, egotistic travesty of having a right to act like a rabid dog? (At least the dog has an excuse - do these demagogues and pirates or are they, too, diseased and incapable of acting with reason?
I'm sorry, I've probably raved on for too long. I only meant to thank you but I find it all weighs on my mind and I can't stop it.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️