Thank you for your response, Ray. I think that I understand your point of view and what has caused you to reach it. If I am right, then I probably empathise with much of what you feel.
However, I can't agree that what you say is "in all fairness", unless you mean it as: in all fairness to Biden and even then I don't accept what follows as being accurate.
I do believe that all levels of government and many public institutions have and do make many mistakes and that many of the human beings who are elected or appointed to them are not 'fit for purpose', if I may use that term for people.
The thing is, that a I also believe that just as many and even perhaps more of those who carry out the roles involved, do have genuine belief that they are making a positive contribution and do try to make honest and worthwhile decisions in the areas for which they are responsible.
I agree wholeheartedly that there are massive problems in most, if not all, of the systems that constitute the framework holding society together. Certainly, much is wrong and certainly there are those whose motivation and operation is driven by selfish and often extremely harmful motives, whether they are aware of it or not and whether it is intentional or not.
However, as much as I feel that I understand what drives your statements, and would probably participate in a general strike or such, were it to come about, I would not enjoy it and don't believe it is a prime solution to current issues. Indeed, I doubt very much that it would achieve anything positive.
Your 'solution', if I may call it that, in my view would only make matters worse and play directly into the hands of the very people and organisations, public and private, as well as the ideology and ethos that has created the present level of inequity, inequality and injustice. The result, in my view, would be an even more parlous state of affairs than the admittedly terrible one that exists right now.
I would like to think that I'm wrong and that your suggestion, if acted upon, would 'fix' things. My reason and the lessons of history suggest to me that it wouldn't & things are now so awfully flawed that I dread what might transpire should the public decide to proceed as you suggest.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️