Thank you, Harry. I read much of your prolific output and applaud you for it. In particular, I applaud your generosity of spirit.
I admit that I am both an outlier and outspoken, the latter of which I attribute to my birth in Yorkshire and my Viking heritage.
On balance, I'd say that there are more who read what I write and dislike it than those who value it. Indeed, there are times when I feel I should never write a response to anything at all for I have no intent to demean or derogate, only to be honest and contribute more than a platitudinous comment.
However, I have to admit that, though I may be deluding myself, I do receive a pleasant amount of acknowledgment and appreciation for my contributions and these have often arrived, fortuitously, just as I have been about to stop.
You are, of course, welcome to quote me at any time, should you find it useful, as is consistent with the laws of copyright.
I very much appreciate your words and if you have gained something from them I feel complimented. I do try to be reasoned in my remarks but I claim no particular wisdom or expertise. Indeed, I claim no worth whatsoever - I simply am.
As my life moves inexorably towards its end, I find myself appreciating more and more the wisdom contained in Socrate's words: "The only thing I know is that I know nothing." Oh that I were as wise as he but the best I can do is aspire towards that goal and feel some achievement if I reach only a very small milestone along the way.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️