Thank you, I've used the links many times and know what they are supposed to do. However, as I said in my post, they no longer do that for me. I checked again after reading your response and Judy's, who is having the same thing happen. No change when I tried again.
So, although I don't doubt what you say and I thank you for checking, there is certainly something amiss somewhere. I had thought that perhaps it was me but I've carefully repeated the operation so many times that I don't think so. In addition, that Judy has experienced the same issue suggests it is not a problem with what I'm doing. - How hard is it to click on a link anyway? - I've also been using computers since the 70's and the Apple II, Trash 80, Commodore 64 and such, not a little while.
I have wondered if it is because I'm using Firefox as my browser but, then again, as it never happened in the past, that seems unlikely. It could also be a change to the Mac OS, I'll ask Judy what she's using.
Other than that, I can only think that some communication glitch or software patch or malware is causing it but again, as I have anti-virus and malware software running all the time and do full system checks at least every couple of days, that seems unlikely, too.
So, I remain with the problem or inconvenience. Don't get me wrong, please, I'm not complaining. These things happen, I know only too well. It is likely that it has nothing to do with anything you have done, either.
I only posted about it in order to check whether it was happening to others or just me. Having managed various systems in the past, I know it can be hard to keep things together, at times.
I value the BeOpen initiative and appreciate all you put into it. I'd just be glad if I could figure out what's going wrong for me and for Judy or anyone else with the same issue.