Thank you, Jerry. It would certainly please me if it does make some people think as opposed to just writing me off as a ..... whatever.
To me, this is an age of euphemism. Not only in the sense of the hypocritical and usually deliberately formed ones that divert the audience from reality - those such as 'collateral damage', for instance. No, unfortunately I think the tendency towards diminishing intellect, laissez-faire language use and strongly embedded conditioning has caused a loss of healthy vocabulary, a loss of nuance and thus such an extremely loose use of many words that they no longer deserve recognition for the concept they once represented.
I have wondered whether we ought to have more words for those abstract, almost indefinable, concepts such as 'love'. However, I came to the conclusion that we do have the words but are either too lazy or too ignorant, (in the sense of non-knowing), to use them.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️