Thank you, Sharon.
I enjoyed reading this, though I don't think that you are an 'outlier'. I think you are 'normal' - meaning to me, simply another human being who happens to be female and ought to be respected as a person, rather than defined by one facet of her being.
I'm male and since overcoming polio but suffering its debilitating legacy, have continuously felt ashamed of my body to the extent that I've hated ever having to go bare chested in public.
Despite continual exercising, circuit training and various physical jerks throughout my life, I remain ashamed of my 'soft' un-manly chest.
I commend you for having escaped or surmounted the perverted stereotypes that are thrust on both men and women, largely to benefit the pockets of the few. Undoubtedly they do immense harm and for many, it is difficult to escape their menace.
It will be good if many who suffer this type of degrading mental influence actually get to read you piece for it may give them the inspiration & even strength to overcome that menace, too.