Thanks for your response.
I consider that we have much in common on this matter but yet still some difference. However, right now, being deeply depressed & close to suicidal, I cannot put my mind to further coherent comment or discussion and I do not want to join those who speak with little or no thought.
So, I'm going to leave it here - though please feel free to have 'the last word', if you wish for that is not what I am attempting to do.
The only significantly strong difference with you that I can raise right now is perhaps confusion create by the way you phrased your comment of perhaps the reality of experiencing some degree of difference in tweets according to geographic location. - I refer to the last paragraph of your response.
I disagree that the 'far left' engages in the same rhetoric or actions as the "Far Right". indeed, I consider there to be considerable evidence that such is not the case.
I also know of no time when Twitter was "dominated by Far Left Extremism"
In summary, I guess it is your persistence in asserting that Left and Right ideologies produce the same outcomes that I cannot accept.
However, I am just a slum kid who knows nothing and has wasted 75 years attempting to make sense of and help others on a beautiful and amazing planet which large numbers of its human inhabitants seem intent on destroying and who, until they can do so, seem preoccupied with committing atrocious indignities to outright atrocities on, usually, the least offensive, poorest and most vulnerable human beings on the planet.
Take care. Stay safe. - & please excuse my ignorance, lack of understanding or muddled mind - it amazes me that it can still produce any cohesive thought or action at all.