That there ever were '10' commandments as opposed to 11, 17, 40 or other variations has long been the subject of debate among scholars, particular faiths and others.
In reality it doesn't matter for the very notion that there have been any of the 8000 or so gods claimed by human beings, let alone a single 'God', beggars belief.
No sane and intelligent person will consider any religion to be other than a human construct used for control.
I doubt that humanity will have time to rid itself of the malevolence created by religion for it will probably drive the planet or at least itself to extinction before it can.
The numbers of religious believers who all believe that 'god is on their side' and, after thousands of years, continue to hate, persecute, and make war on others - including even those who believe in the same 'god' but under a different name, have much for which to answer but they, of course, never will.
Sadly, social conditioning is the most powerful force on Earth and it has normalised the insanity that is religion.