Roger Hawcroft
5 min readMay 7, 2024


There are several aspects of your post with which I can agree and/or for which I have sympathy.

There are also unfortunately worded statements showing significant bias.

Certainly, I believe that antisemitism exists. However, in my view, it exists no more than does all of what is known as 'racism' and perhaps much less. It is also, I think, clear that generally, Jews are in a better position to counter the prejudice some show towards them than are most maligned and wrongly abused groups.

What is happening in Gaza is genocide. Regardless of what you may choose to consider Hamas to be or how appalling and reprehensible their attack of 7th October 2023, for which those responsible ought definitely to be held to account, the reality is that it pales compared to the Netanyahu led response of Israel.

The protests against Israel have little if anything to do with antisemitism, though there are almost certainly antisemitic individuals or groups using them as a mask and taking advantage of them to further their own prejudice.

However, the majority of those who are raising their voices against the actions of Netanyahu and Israel are doing so because their actions are entirely excessive and have killed at a greater rate than that of World War I or World War II or any other war in memory, including that between Russia and Ukraine.

What's worse is that the vast majority of those killed are non-combatants: civilian men, women and children. Mass bombing indiscriminately affecting civilian populations, specifically targeting schools, hospitals, other medical facilities, aid convoys, ambulances and even police and. first responders and more are criminal acts against humanity and have nothing to do with 'terrorism' or antisemitism.

The reality is that Israel was created on Palestinian land by the British, Germans, French and, after persuasion, the USA to appease Zionists, (who, incidentally were atheists), and with no inclusion of the Palestinians. This led immediately to the dispossession of hundreds. of thousands of Palestinians and was compounded by the fact that the foreign powers responsible claimed that only a small percentage of the area was occupied by Palestinians when, in reality, the inverse was true.

From that beginning until the present, Israel has effectively treated the Palestinians abominably. Indeed, it is a not unreasonable argument that the Palestinian people have been 'hostages' for at least 70 years. You might consider that factor as against the 340 or so hostages taken by Hamas.

Israeli forces have now killed around 15000 children, 35000 adults and injured more than 70,000. They have targeted and killed journalists, UN employees, Aid workers from many nations and institutions and also deliberately prevented sufficient humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinian People.

In addition, the Israeli's have continually sought to excuse or justify their actions by claims that they have been targeting Hamas enclaves within hospitals, schools and other civilian infrastructure, yet they have produced no evidence to support any of these assertions.

Opacity has been a characteristic of the Israeli government throughout this conflict as also has been its disdain for International Humanitarian Law, the Genocide Convention, The Rules of War and the United Nations.

Israel has committed its persecution of Palestinians for many decades. It has no right whatsoever to the land on which the State exists. Instead of persecuting the Palestinians it could have sought collaboration with them and/or supported a two State creation and mutual peaceful cooperation and development.

It is not Jews that have been responsible for and committed these atrocities, it is hard line, war-mongering right wing Zionists such as Netanyahu and others in his. 'War Cabinet'.

The USA, UK, Germany, France and others are complicit in this devastating assault on innocent people and destruction of homes and other infrastructure, including places of worship and cultural significance. Those nation's leaders ought also to be held accountable.

Hamas is a legitimately elected government. The USA and others may choose not to like it and so label it a 'terrorist' organisation, just as they have done in other instances in other places. That does not make it so. Under international law it is legitimate for an occupied people to take up arms and fight to free itself from its occupiers. You and others may not like that but it is a fact.

Unfortunately, because of the self interest of high level politicians, industry leaders, some churches and others, there are many who have not only turned a blind eye to Israel's history of perfidy against Palestinians but provided them with the funding, munitions and vehicles of war with which to perpetrate their crimes.

If we are to label an elected government, Hamas, as 'terrorists' then we should also attach that label to all the governments who have funded and armed Israel and continue to do so.

No, Daylin, this. conflict has nothing to do with antisemitism and neither do the protests against it. This conflict is about continuous human rights abuse against Palestinians for at least 7 decades and about the indiscriminate and callous disregard for innocent non-combatants as well countenanced acts of violence - under the eyes of Israeli Police and Armed Forces - by illegal settlers in the West Bank.

Even intelligent, compassionate and even-handed Jews understand and accept this reality and stand with all who protest such an abhorrent response from the Israeli 'leadership'.

The Israeli government ought to be MADE to stop NOW and Netanyahu and his hard line warmongers brought before the International Court of Justice for the war crimes and crimes against humanity that they have committed.

Other national leaders who have helped facilitate those crimes ought also to be held to account, not only for their direct support of Israel but also for various acts of censorship, deliberately skewed reporting of the situation and the disgraceful treatment and arrests of thousands of peaceful student demonstrators.

Those demonstrators are our future and their exhibition of conscience and compassion is one of the few signs of hope I see for a better world. They ought to be praised and celebrated, not harassed or incarcerated.




Netanyahu and his colleagues have probably put back Israel's standing in the World for many decades to come. They have made Israel a pariah nation. They have created an even greater divide between people.. If you consider antisemitism to be rife now, as your article suggests, then you must fear the future for Israel's actions since October 7th 2023 have fuelled such prejudice to an extent as bad as it has ever been and perhaps even more.

Take care. Stay safe.




Roger Hawcroft
Roger Hawcroft

Written by Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.

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