They are not just the iPhone company. I have really appreciate the Mac Mini and use one daily. It is a great functional and elegant machine. I will certainly be looking to see if and when it will be upgraded.
I've also used iMacs for several years. The best one was the one with the swivelling head and superb speakers. Since the flat style iMacs, the quality seems to have suffered, if my experience is anything to go by. I've had 3 of them collapse on me and wouldn't have an other at any price.
I also dislike the fundamental concept of a desktop that is all in one. When the Mac was first introduced it was an innovation and seemed o.k. Today, it seems to me that it just locks one in and if one part fails your left without the whole caboodle until it is fixed.
Each to his own I guess and I certainly agree that Apple pricing seems to be heading increasingly out of reach of the average Joe but I think that's more because of a perception by Apple (and others) that most consumer users are satisfied with and even prefer the tablet and that it is only more serious or demanding users that want a true desktop or powerful laptop & large screens.
Of course, I'm just an average Joe with no particular expertise, just 50 years use of all sorts of machines from the days of 16k memory to current machines that when I started were still science fiction.