This causes me to reflect on both my male sex and those characteristics I have which most would label as feminine.
Would that I could make some profound or even particularly significant comment but I cannot.
Most of all, what comes immediately to mind, is the one-sidedness of so much, (no, not all), feminist dialogue.
To me, one who sees more worth in a female than a male point of view - at least as they are commonly protrayed - there seems to be a significant contradiction in the discourse regarding the roles, status, positions, experiences of the sexes.
Are we not all simply people, with universal feelings, needs, desires, etc. or are we defined by our sex differences and thus inevitably 'programmed' to see things differently and therefore act differently?
If females want 'equality', then to what extent does that suggest an essential commonality of viewpoint by male and female? Do we lose valuable difference by seeking a common denominator?
I have always been in awe of females. Has that been wrong? Some would certainly paint is as a defect - the placing of women on a pedestal and in doing so, objectifying them. I can't agree with that. Why is it that I cannot admire women for their inherent differences and qualities? Why, as it seems, because I am male, is it presumed that I can only admire women as objects?
What does define 'surrender' anyway and why does it have to be good or bad? For myself, what's next is opportunity, regardless of whether its context is fortunate or unfortunate. Should I choose to go along with rather than fight it, is that 'surrender' or simply pragmatism, acceptance or unwillingness to engage in destructive thought and action?
Questions, yes I know. I apologise. Articles such as this inevitably cause introspection on my part. I value that but also have the probably unwanted need to relate such thought, I think perhaps in the hope that someone may provide insight of greater perspicacity than my own.
Thanks, Virginia, your sharing of inner feelings, contemplation, questions and experiences is a gift to all who choose to avail themselves of it. Your work never fails to arouse my interest or stimulate my thought. I can never agree or disagree but only ask more questions and seek greater understanding.