Trump is *not* innocent. What a court of law decides has little to do with innocence or guilt. The courts and the laws and processes they effect, have little to do with values such as 'guilt' or 'innocence'. They are tools of the 'state' and are used to ensure the control of the masses for the benefit of the few. They are a charade, more theatrical than inquisitive and particularly in a society which has an accusative rather than inquisitive judicial system.
Trump's guilt is evident in so many ways but not least in his perversion of the truth for his own ends.
It is, indeed, likely that this indictment, particular if it goes ahead and actually convicts Trump of anything, let alone if it results in a penalising sentence, will cause an uprising of his delusional followers and supporters. There is no doubt in my mind that it will galvanise that misguided collective, including even some who were perhaps equivocating.
However, deliberate action needs to be taken because the reality of a system controlled by a few, at the expense of the many, has to be exposed. Trump is an ogre in plain site. The institution against him is an ogre hidden and largely unrecognised. That is the very reason that he has the power and charisma he has.
The 'state' is unjust and those most ignored, used or abused by it, have had enough.