Unfortunately, one might well say: devastatingly, the GOP via Trump has managed to delude many millions of voters who are disadvantaged, impoverished, struggling, or otherwise at the opposite end of the spectrum to the 'elites' for whom "These lawmakers are nothing more than lap dogs", into voting against their own interests and falsely seeing the Democrats as the enemy.
The problem for anyone that is truly selfiess, even-minded, willing to consider other points of view, concerned for all - even those who oppose them or act in ways they consider abominable - is precisely that they have those traits. It means that they will act with honesty, fairness, integrity & transparency.
That is also true of political party's that have similar characteristics. Those that don't, the GOP for instance, have no crisis of conscience with acting in their own, rather than their constituents' interests. They will dissemble, lie, cheat, hide, steal, cover-up, act corruptly and, indeed, do anything at all to gain and stay in power. Evidence doesn't matter. If it goes against their interests they will ignore or try to taint it. If an opponent gets ahead they will try to dig up dirt to besmirch them. If they can't find any, they will make it up.
It is very difficult to counter the attacks of those who 'fight dirty', if your values and conscience won't allow you to reciprocate in kind. Inevitably, this will always make it harder for those with moral fortitude to win out over those who have none.
As I see it, that is a major dilemma in regard to the way the poltical system is structured and without considerable restructuring, I see no way that it will change.
So, sadly, yes I think we will "see how that works out for them..." but I doubt it will be what we want to see. But then, perhaps I am not the realist I think that I am but rather a pessimist who sees dumbing down all around and a cultural deficit created by false definitions of success and greater rewards for privilege than for caring, sharing and serving. ☮️☮️