Unfortunately, your simple test is not a test of your assertion’s validity. Indeed, it is close to irrelevant to what you wrote originally and to why I challenged it.
The writing of history is a separate, though I would accept related issue. It is true that the reality of history is distorted or altered by those who record it. However, it is also true that, as you suggest regarding the accident scenario, even at the time of an event, it will be seen in different ways by different people.
4 different people can describe a house in four different but equally truthful ways, if they are each standing facing only one side and cannot see the others.
There will always be many people who record history and none of them actually control the narrative. Only when a particular version becomes commonly accepted, whether because of deliberate intention by a dominant party or institution or simply because of folklore or, if you will the spread of a particular view through popular dialogue, song, satire, or other form of conditioning.
Your original assertions included:
* “Ideally, the only way to determine "truth" is to meditate. In a deep relationship with Spirit, Truth is revealed.”
- There is no evidence to support such a claim.
* “The stories told by average humans are essentially lies. Engrossed in the illusion of being human, only relative truth or "fake news" is revealed.”
- You may consider that “being human” is an illusion, however, again there is no evidence that such is the case.
- All truth is relative so that has no bearing on who or how it is told.
- “Relative truth” and “fake news” may be coincident but just as readily may not, so to couple these as though they are two labels for the same concept is misleading, at the very least.
* “Most of the destruction of Western Civilization is occurring because "experts" are redefining common words such as "male" and "female”.”
- Again, you express an opinion for which there is no evidence of validity. In fact, it is most certainly an extraordinary banal notion.
As for the last paragraph of the post to which I responded. There are still debating classes and many other activities to which students are exposed in order to encourage and develop critical thinking. The implication of your remark is that such no longer exist, which is not true.
Critical thinking is, however, something that you appear not to have used in coming to the opinions that you have aired.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️