Veronica Percy,
I'm sorry that you see me or my writing in the way you do.
So sad to write "This is too long and I’m not reading it. " So defensive. So rude, particularly given that it was a genuine and moderate response to the points you made in your criticism of me.
So much animus. Yet you claim to know 'love'.
It is also sad that you cannot admit to being offended when both of your responses have been derisory of me. It seems that you still haven't learned to separate a person from an issue.
You were wrong in your allegations of cynicism for I am not a cynic, on the contrary, in fact. Your statement taht "anyone capable of comprehending words and context can easily sense that" is nothing more than opinionation expressed in support of your defensive statements.
As I have said, you fail to see the distinction between what is commonly understood by 'love' and what is a different concept, that of 'empathy'. It is not I that has an issue with comprehension of words.
As it is, unfortunately, you appear to have closed your mind to learning and to listening to the understanding of others, which is both sad, unfriendly and a barrier to growth.
I have never asked or told you to be other than you are. I simply pointed out several misconceptions and errors in your article and offered reasons for my doing so.
So, there was and is certainly no reason to SHOUT at me.. Neither have i suggested that what you wrote was somehow intended negatively. On the contrary, as I've already pointed out, I told you that "I appreciate the sentiment behind you writing this..." Your penultimate paragraph is therefore unwarranted as is your somewhat immature outburst in your final sentence.
However, as I have no wish to cause anyone to feel as you do and as, despite having commented on aspects of what I wrote, you claimed that you wouldn't read it, although it is unfortunate that you are either not yet ready for rational discussion or have taken a disliking to me, I will do my best to avoid attempting discourse with you in future.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️