Whether I agree with all you say or not, I really appreciate your reviews, recommendations and advice. I find it readable, understandable and fairly down to earth.
With only long experience of Apple products but never the funds to buy current models, I find it hard to understand the rationale behind the Mac Studio. I really don't see where it fits and I don't like how it looks.
I will probably be proven wrong but I doubt that it will be a success, particularly if its pricing and that of the new monitor remain as high as they are. Perhaps they do represent 'value for money' and it's just that I can't see it - but I can't. It seems to me, as you suggest, that there are several better value alternatives, depending on need.
Regardless - always a useful & informative read and all the more useful because of the informed comment most stories receive. It is a refreshing alternative to the one-sided, relatively uninformed and often abusive gutter language opinion that inhabits so many Mac and other computer public discussion.