"Why is a famous conservative christian influencer into big black penises?"
Jonathan, there's a simple answer to your question. - All religion is belief in mythical nonsense and promotes hypocrisy and worse. Christianity is probably the worst of all for doing so, regardless of the particular form it takes.
The actions of the religious and those who have pretended to be for their own ends, have been so horrifying throughout history that nothing Rod Dreher or anyone else could think, say or do could be any worse than the atrocities already committed and which continue to be committed in its name.
As long as we have people who refuse to use their (God given?) intellect and are either so conditioned and simple-minded that they know no better or are perfectly capable of exercising reason, rationality and logic but choose not to do so, then we will have characters such as you write about - and worse.
I doubt very much that the human race will last that long but unless and until religion is seen by all for the nonsense that it is, there is no chance of a peaceful, let alone sane world.