Yes, Elizabeth, on the mark again. However, given that neither party any longer has any valid claim to transparency, truth, integrity, fairness or rationality, the Democrats simply being less extreme than the Republicans, what can people do to stop this?
We can continue to take note of and raise the issues with individuals or the collectives and so we should but will that actually change anything? It doesn't seem to me that it will except, perhaps, for a little shifting of views around the margins.
I despair at the state of the political system, at the crassness or self-delusion of so many of the elected 'representatives' (representatives of what, I wonder - it certainly is rarely of the people). However, I'm both depressed and exhausted with the populist delusions and the party hypocrisy. Do you or anyone have a solution or even a plan of action, I wonder?
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️