Yes, I think that it must be hard to be a 'beautiful' woman. (response to "Is it hard being an incredibly beautiful woman?" by Christine Stevens
I've always been turned on by those whom i consider to be exceptionally good looking females. I consider that natural. I've also continually wondered how it must feel to be 'beautiful'.
As I grew older and began to think more deeply or carefully, I began to realise what must seem obvious to most, that 'beauty' is different for each of us. For most, I suggest, we are heavily inclined towards the social 'norm' and so the epitome of beauty will reflect significant cultural conditioning.
In the western world, it is also true that Christianity has played a massive and decidedly negative role in causing women to be put on a pedestal and their physical attributes to be over emphasised. What happened there is a long story and is tied up with a biblical view of women as having corrupted men and women having a lust for sex and using it to corrupt men.
The reality, of course, is that female humans are human and that, as are all humans, each is unique. Today's preoccupation with body image is enormously harmful, in my view. Both men and women would be better off without it. It is internally and externally debasing of ourselves and others and dismissive of the majority of what composes us - our 'I'.
I had thought that we'd moved a fair way away from that type of thought but it would seem not. Only today I saw news reporting of a Japanese care maker that had overtaken Tesla in electronic vehicle sales. - The video showed various car showrooms and in each case their were super attractive women posed with the vehicles and it seemed incongruous to me and wakened me to how little has really changed in terms of this topic.
I think that biological factors certainly mitigate against change, for humans as in most, if not all species, as I understand it, it is common for mates to be chosen for characteristics that suggest that they will produce the better offspring.
However, we are not 'most species' and in fact one of, if not the main factor which differentiates other than the opposing thumb, is our ability to think and reason in some degree of depth, i.e. our non autonomous brain power.
So, just as we must control the biological in order to conform to our understanding of what is morally acceptable, common decency, respect for others and such, I feel that we ought to be able to control this preoccupation with body image.
I don't doubt that there is legitimacy in seeking a partner who pleases your eye for few us, if any, want to spend a great amount of time in an environment that ensures we must constantly see what doesn't appeal to us.
However, surely, that factor is also true of personality, character, humour, compassion, caring, acceptance, equity, respect and such. As, in the case of both men and women, our physical appearance tends to deteriorate as we age from what most of us consider most desirable, then surely it is even more important that we see the person within their container.
We have that capacity and it is sad that because of advertising, media presentation, cultural norms and all manner of conditioning, females are still denigrated in this way.
Yes, I admire and even desire beautiful women but I am not a fish or an elephant or a snake, I am a human being. I don't want to be remembered as being an 'ape' - and I mean no offence to any animal for I am very much endeared to the non-human species - if I'm to be remembered at all, (and it is unlikely for I am a nobody from nowhere), I would that it is as someone who took the time and made the effort to consider the impact of his behaviours, habits, inclinations, views and relationships with others, whether intimate or casual.
So, although my biology may attempt to control me and my conditioning may influence my desires, I will do all I can to ensure that my intellect is what dominates and wish to be remembered for having respected others and assessed their worth on the basis of who they are, not how they look.
Thank you for a stimulating and pertinent article.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️