Yes, perhaps I was too harsh or didn’t explain myself quite clearly enough. You are right, tenacity, determination & courage to overcome real or perceived threat are very real qualites. They are qualities to be celebrated & when attained, certainly ones deserving of celebration & ones of which to be proud.
I certainly, in no way intended to disparage your article, indeed it captured my attention and interest. I probably responded too quickly and with insufficient thought. I apologise for that.
I suspect that underneath aspects of my argument, including even those that are valid, there lies the notion I have that there is too much emphasis placed on dating, having a partner, forming a couple, being married and such. Despite the vast number of orphans, neglected and abused children, and destroyed family lives in our society, people are still encouraged to have babies. Whilst any amount of money is spent to save a foetus and ‘right to lifers’ commit all manner of arrogant & offensive acts against abortion clinics, they readily accept that 12,000 to 15,000 children die each day of preventable causes or that at least a dozen women each week die during or as a consequence of childbirth.
Yes, I wander off your topic slightly but only because I believe such factors are relevant to it. I read, see and hear of so many women who blossom when finally freed from relationships to make their own way in the World. I also see so many relationships in which one or both partners stays either because they are unaware of the anguish of the other party or because they are too uncaring or arrogant to accept that they are a major, if not the major, part of the problem.
So, I’m sorry for the long commentary. Your topic just happens to be in area of great personal interest to me.
Thank you,