You are not wrong. I have been using Apple products since the Apple II in the '70's. I've also been a chronic depressive for almost all my life. My Apple experience was a saving grace and allowed me to accomplish some projects that gave me a little self-esteem and benefited others.
I am no without my Mac mini having made the silly decision to update to Ventura without waiting for the feedback from numerous others - not something I would normall do.
First I lost all manner of normal functionality. Then applications would not operate as expected. Finally - it's a long story with which I won't bother you - I was locked out altogether.
It took me much effort and strife to sort that out and finally get the Mac back, though not as I had asked. Two days and I have a startup screen that flashes a question mark. All the Apple support page directions achieve nothing as neither did a long talk with a helpful and courteous Apple phone advisor.
I could, I suppose, take it back to the service centre which fixed the first problem but I am reluctant for as friendly and helpful as they were, I've already spent a quarter of my pension for a week and , I guess, lost confidence in the product.
Of course, as some of you are likely to think, it is probably my own ineptitude. That may well be so. I don't seem to be able to do much without failing nowadays. However, over 50 years of computer use and umpteen installs, re-installs, etc. I have never had such an awful experience.
You can believe it or not but I am totally over IT and close to topping myself. Yes, perhaps I'm too old fashioned, despite having been an early adopter, always having to work with pre-owned equipment and having acquainted myself and built applications with both main OS products.
I admit. My mind is failing. I am failing. I don't like this world in which human compassion has not improved, materialism has increased exponentially and we still have megalomaniacs who care nothing for the iives of their own nationals, let alone any others.
I've been through the 'Cold War', witnessed the assassination of Kennedy and KIng, as well as others. I've welcomed the promise of technology releasing us from burdens of pointless or mundane work, yet see more and more people trapped it in and almost all, at whatever level, working longer and longer hours.
We even have reached the ludicrous & delusionary notion that it is better for both parents to work and have their infants cared for by others.
I don't like what humanity is doing to this world. I don't like Apple scrambling to maintain its trillion dollar status and influence. I don't like that after millions of years and at least 4000 of modern 'civilisation' we have apparently achieved nothing in the way of collaboration as one world people and an inherent motivation to help others - even to put them first.
Steve Jobs and Bill Atkinson and their ilk were, I believe, of that bent. What happened, I don't know, only that its result becomes worse as days go by.