You are right that Abraham Lincoln did not own slaves. Unfortunately & regrettably I believed sources that were repeating a not uncommon myth.
I have already apologised for that error of judgment & edited my story accordingly.
I deeply regret my mistake but, although I do have mental health issues, I do not believe that such a mistake is evidence that I am a lunatic, nor have any of the professionals who have treated me suggested that such is the case.
I don't have a closed mind nor a belief that I have full knowledge of everything. I am always willing to consider criticism and to check direct allegations that I have the facts wrong.
Dean C, the first respondent to my story, poionted out in a calm & polite way that I was wrong about Lincoln's slave ownershhip. I thus checked additional sources and discovered that I had, indeed, misrepresented Lincoln.
If being willing to admit my mistakes and seek to correct them constitutes lunacy then your assertion is right and I am correcdtly labelled. However that label is something that I will continue to wear for I will not do the opposite & insist that I am correct when I am not.