Roger Hawcroft
4 min readMay 9, 2024


"You harumph that "I am not anti-Israel", but then you talk about how Israel has committed "all manner of atrocities". That does not 'give away the game', as you assert. I mentioned the atrocities committed by Israel because you carefully chose to ignore them in your apologist tirade for that State.

I 'hate' no-one. Unlike yourself, I do not rush to condemn or 'blame' on the surface of bias or instant reaction or conditioning or media pressure and etc.

Israel, actually has no right to be 'on the map' and wouldn't be save for the perfidy of Britain and other western powers who stole Palestine from the Palestinians - which I've already explained to you but you choose to ignore.

However, Israel is on the map and I have never advocated its removal. I am well aware of true abhorrent and criminal events committed by some Palestinians and others who, it would seem, do 'hate' Israel and wish to see its demise. I don't condone those actions as nether do I condone the actions of some Hamas fighters on 7th October 2023.

The difference is, that unlike yourself, I do understand the reason for them. I have explained that to you, too, but again you choose to ignore the fact that Israel has been run by Zionist governments throughout its history and has effectively held the Palestinians as hostages by a whole lengthy list of controls and restrictions that have made them prisoners in their own country.

"the fact you use terms like "Warmonger Zionist colleagues" belies any claim you might have that you are not anti-semitic." This is pure nonsense, as is most of what you've argued. That Zionists are Jews does not make Jews necessarily Zionist. Nor does reviling Zionist doctrine indicate antisemitism. Again, as I pointed out to you, there are Jews all over the World who feel as aggrieved as I at the actions of Netanyahu and his colleagues in their mass murder by indiscriminate bombing of thousands of Palestinians, as well as by impeding and/or denying aid, destroying health facilities, targeting aid workers and destroying homes and infrastructure to an extent that the UN estimates it will take around 40 years to rebuild.

Indeed, just yesterday, Netanyahu's forces destroyed the homes of Bedouins, ( who have had no part in any of this), a people that have lived in those deserts for thousands of years, who are nomadic and who have committed no abuse of anyone.

"people like you, who tell the Palestinians that they never have to recognize Israel's humanity or right to exist, and that if they just keep committing more terrorism they will finally rid the region of those pesky Jews, do more than anything else to perpetuate Palestinian suffering."

The above statements amount to defamation. No one who makes the effort to examine my writings on several forums will find any such assertions made by me.

My ire arises, rightfully, along with that of hundreds of thousands of others, from the unconscionable, criminal, inhumane, unnecessary, cruel and reprehensible actions of Netanyahu and his co warmongers to indiscriminately cause the killing and suffering of people on whose land the Israeli's live and to whom they ought to owe a debt of gratitude.

You may choose to ignore history and to believe the spurious conditioning that has affected you and it may not be your fault that you are apparently incapable of an objective analysis or humane and compassionate caring for others, however that is not justification for lying about and defaming me or your absurd assertion that:

"The bottom line is that Israel is rightfully going to do what it takes to eliminate Hamas once and for all."

Israel is not rightfully doing anything. It is in breach of the Genocide Convention, International rules of war, International Human Rights laws and basic humane values.

As I said previously, you need to study history, open your eyes and your mind, learn some humility and cease speaking about "wise and peace-loving leaders" for as long, at least, as you choose to support the actions of men who are precisely the opposite - and that is not simply my view but the reality, based on their own public statements.

Netanyahu's actions are criminal in any sense of the term. His supporters and military chiefs echo his views. Neither have any respect for even their own laws, let alone international law, international. opinon or that of the United Nations.

Israel has become a pariah State and will suffer the consequences of that for the foreseeable future. What Netanyahu has done and is doing will serve to discredit Israeli citizens and the Jewish diaspora and only give strength to the arguments of those who do hold negative views about Jewish people.

Now please take your vapid tirade somewhere else for it is sickening in the extreme. I suggest that you go and speak to some of the Jewish students who are protesting alongside their non-Jewish counterparts for those young people clearly have significantly stronger intellect than do you and, if you actually listened and attempted to overcome your malevolent biases, you may learn.



Roger Hawcroft
Roger Hawcroft

Written by Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.

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