You have no idea. You have the gall to allege misinformation whilst making an abhorrent ideological attack that ignores the rights of women.
I wonder how it would be if the shoe were on the other foot - no, actually I don't - I know how it would be, you'd be screaming like a stuck pig about it.'
'Right to life' - don't make me vomit. There is more than enough genuine & objective evidence to show how many women's lives are wrecked from inability to have an abortion.
In any case, so called 'right to life' anti-abortionists have attacked, maimed & even killed abortion clinic staff. What's more, they blithely ignore the disaster that is poverty, lack of medical services & the effects of armed conflict in the majority world. Not only that but probably most of them eat meat.
Your stance and comments disgust me. The reality is that the SC decision has not been decided on a basis of justice but rather on the basis of right-wing ideology. That is not how our courts, let alone our supreme court should operate.
This decision is a direct result of Trump's stacking of the SC with right-wing ideologues. It is wrong.
The USA needs a new way of appointing judges. It should never be left to one person, particularly not one 'man'. Those who cannot put aside clear religious, ideological, gender, or racial basis ought to be disqualified.
Abortion is a decision that belongs to individual women. It is not one that ought to be or that justly can be denied on an all encompassing basis.
The decision also sets a dangerous precedent in paving the way for negating the rights of other complete groups.
The decision needs to be struck down - how i don't know but it stinks, as does the content of your comment.