You have this so right, i.e. that it's so wrong.
However, I'd suggest that the first thing we need to do globally is to agree to make peace and pursue life, rather than to make war and pursue death.
Throughout history, for a variety of reasons but mostly owing to megalomania or greed, human beings have made war and killed one another in enormous numbers. This was happening long before capitalism had become entrenched.
Human beings are social animals and so, inevitably, form groups. Once groups become larger than around 30 individuals they require rules and hierarchies to survive. Once those are established. there is inequity that facilitates control by some over others.
Those that gain that control seem almost always to become controlled by it and to hold onto it at all costs. The controllers stop caring about other human beings as human beings, let alone other species or the environment, for they are preoccupied with self and now.
Those that are controlled then, as bizarre as it. may seem, given their experience of that inequity and disadvantage, seem not only to want to free themselves of their shackles but come to aspire to take control themselves. Hence, the subjugated become the subjugators and so the cycle continues.
I see only that such will continue until our race destroys the planet and so we can no longer survive or until we destroy one another so that there is no-one left to survive.
The koalas will almost certainly go long before the final humans do but it is only a matter of time before the last of us will join them.