You may strongly disagree with me in regards to genocide but that does not make your view a correct one.
It is not.
I am well aware that there is a definition of genocide and what Israel is certainly that.
I am not 'anti-Israel' and that is not why I nor why many others use the term. We use the term because it is accurate and clearly what Netanyahu and his warmonger zionist colleagues want and have stated publicly.
It is not using the term genocide that is incendiary. What is incendiary is the complete and demonstrable inhumane. cruel and despicable actions of the IDF at the behest of Netanyahu's hard right War Cabinet.
Israel has got away with all manner of atrocities since it was created. It has benefitted from the goodwill and sympathy of other nations as a result of the tragedy of the Holocaust. However the very fact of that experience ought to be a motivational factor for Israel to be the very last nation ever to act as did the National Socialists under Hitler.
Instead, Netanyahu is effectively acting in the same manner as did Hitler and his supporters between 1933 and 1945.
So, I can't accept your false & misleading apology for a totally corrupt and criminal leadership which seeks the annihilation of the Palestinian people on whose land they have lived because of the deceit of the British in breaking their promise to the Arabs for their help in defeating the Ottomans.
The very nations that created this appalling situation by there actions in creating the State of Israel by stealing the land belonging to Palestine are now supporting Israel and its nonsensical claim of 'self defence', a term i notice that you also use. I also notice that you avoid all the evidence of Israel's perfidy.
Your argument is vapid and wrong. You would do well to study the history and rethink.