Your articles are always interesting to me, in spite of my not necessarily agreeing with 100% of what you write. You clearly have a far better knowledge and clearer understanding of the complex and contradictory versions of religious history, even though I have been reading about it for more than 70 years.
My conclusions may be different to your own. I don't know. Your articles come across to me as extremely disinterested, i.e. objective, (for those that confuse 'dis' with 'un') and therefore it is difficult to tell whether you purposely avoid any personal bias, don't have one or, as do I, see the whole set of paradoxes, contradictions, hypocrisies, lies, claims and counter-claims, rejections of what real evidence exists, alterations, omissions, revisions and selective removal and/or dissemination of various versions of supposedly 'holy' texts and ext. as clearly illuminating the highly unlikely existence of any deity, god, or omnipotent entity.
Is seems, however, that most people are readily conditioned to believe almost anything because they accept it uncritically and because religions have for thousands of years held a unique authority over moral codes, influence on rulers and governments and claims to salvaton equating to 'privileged access'.
It is extremely sad, in my view and, were an omnipotent 'creator' to actually exist, extremely insulting to that entity for humanity to reject the many positive lessons supposedly delivered in its words and to fail to use their 'blessings' of unique levels of intelligence and intellect as well as physical characteristics that have put them at the head of the World's food chain.
Even a relative fool ought to be able to see the massive hypocrisy, divisiveness and conflict that has emanated from religious hierarchies and which continues today.
I expect that it is highly unlikely to happen and indeed, if ever it was, I consider the human race now to be too close to self-destruction of natural disaster which will end it.
So, perhaps the whole question is moot and I have wasted enormous time and energy investigating and reading about various religions, who formed them an why.
Still, as contrary to the belief of many, particularly the religious who even attribute it with purpose and aim, life has no meaning in my view. Life just is. Yes, it may be miraculous but that doesn't mean that it has a particular goal, (is such we can attribute to an inanimate approach ) or purpose.
Life just is.
The religious ought to stop their perfidy and using the 'word of God' to justify it..
Take care. Stay safe.