Your reply suggest a lack of character and an arrogance ill befitting anyone, let alone someone having made and. making comments such as yours.
The definition was for your information as you clearly misunderstood the word. Yes, I could have explained in my own words but chose to give you a dictionary sample as your own comments indicated and continue to do so, that you give my views and statements no credibility.
As for your feeble opening exclamation deriding my having ''found a definition ...'', that is puerile at best. It is particularly so in an attempt to demean me because I am well experienced in search techniques, having learned, developed and utilised them in obtaining information for clients from school students to senior medical professionals and others with demanding information needs. It was a necessary skill and ability in my role as a librarian and library manager, as well as an educator - and one I used long before Google existed.
I well understand the meaning of pedant and pedantic. I am not such. A preference for and tendency to use language properly and be aware of its nuances and that many words have alternative meanings when used in different contexts, does not constitute pedantry but simply a desire to write or speak clearly and to listen or read in an equally effective manner.
Your question was, effectively, a rhetorical one and therefore. not a real question at all, but rather one implying a pre-determined answer.
I don't have to "try to engage my [your] intellect" because I apply it continually to a wide variety of experiences, situations and such in my life.
However, you would be well advised either to not submit post or comments at all or to engage in some literacy study before you do so again.
* Your syntax is appalling
* Your punctuation is flawed and inappropriate
* "answere" ought to be 'answer'
* "nazi's" ought to. have a capital 'N'
* The "?" within your rhetorical question ought to be inside the inverted commas, not outside them.
* The sentence that begins with "Try to engage" is both ungrammatical and nonsense
It is not I, Iv Man, who has a problem with engaging intellect but you appear almost entirely unable to apply whatever of it you possess. That is something about which you would do well to be very concerned for right now you just show yourself to be not only foolish but rude almost to the point of abusive. In so doing you let down both yourself and this platform.