Your representation of the Australian Greens is not accurate. Dealing with the housing crisis is not simple and the ALP's plan will do little to help. Indeed, as a Labor supporter for many years I am deeply disturbed by the path it has taken since coming to power after around a decade of some of the worst LNP governments we have had - and none of them have ever been good.
Unfortunately, as in the US, there is now. and for a long time has been little to separate two major parties for they both hold up a sick system which benefits those at the top end of town and benefits themselves.
The days of Labor parties working for and actually representing the best interests of those at the bottom of the heap or those who do the most productive work, are long gone. Yes, the ALP will always be more compassionate and caring than the LNP, just as the Democrats will always be more rational and reasonable than the Republicans. However neither has the will or courage to make the hard decisions.
Both in the US and in Australia, the gap between those who have and those who don't continually widens and both major political persuasions either happily let it carry on or, perhaps, are powerless to stop it - though I don't believe the latter.
Independent or Green voting is the only rational and responsible option in Australia right now. The USA has a slightly different scenario in the depth of divisive populism and the sell out of the Republican Party to Donald Trump, probably the most abhorrent candidate ever to stand for office, let alone to have held the position of POTUS and then be supported as the GOP nominee once again.
As much as I admire the intellect and morality of ALP politicians such as Penny Wong and was so pleased to witness Labor's victory, I have been saddened by their weakness.
I also was pleased to see Biden beat Trump and believe him to have been a fairly sound President, though not as wonderful as some claim. Kamala Harris will, I believe be a great President but only if she changes the US stand on Israel.
That Biden and Harris continue to provide more and more money and weapons to Israel, whilst making statements of wanting peace, is beyond the pale. The US could have stopped Israel long ago and even now could probably do so. Instead there is just that sad hypocrisy which, as always, paints Arabs and others as inferior people and yet dangerous enemies.
The Greens, with the exception of a few independents and some courageous individuals in the main parties, are now the only party of principle in Australia. Your denigration of them is not only innaccurate but at best, simplistic.