Yulin — Another obnoxious, cruel & violent event

Roger Hawcroft
2 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo by Nothing Ahead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dog-keeping-closed-on-the-chain-15183367/

The Yulin Dog Festival (Festival?!) is one of the most cruel events for a domestic animal that happens annually.

Street dogs and pets are collected, stolen and transported in appallingly disgusting and inhumane conditions only to be cruelly and often violently killed and eaten.

Justification for this obscene and atrocious event lies in the fiction that it is an acient tradition. — This type of obnoxious and ignorant behaviour by human beings is often justified in this way. The justification in this case is nonsense, (and would be no real justification even if it were real tradition)

Akin to religious doctrine, with no rational, reasonable or humane basis, such justification relies on myth and human, (almost totally male) edicts and dictates from thousands of years in the past when the majority of the World’s population were relatively illiterate and ignorant and very easily conditioned by charlatans or misguided prophets and ‘wise’ individuals who claimed to be in touch with various deities or to explain natural phenomena buy reference to those deities for they had not yet developed the scientific understanding of why and how natural phenomena occurred.

This nonsense continues today in all manner of ways, not just the slaughter and cruelty of animals but in discriminatory practice…



Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.